Produse pentru săgeți cu oțel inoxidabil (16)

Prime Line Lean - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil de formă rectangulară

Prime Line Lean - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil de formă rectangulară

Prime Line Lean door handles stand out because of their flat and rectangular shape. A variety of mounts may be fitted with these handles, from simple round or square mounts to mounts fitted with a fingerprint scanner. Door handles are usually made in eight standard sizes, but can be customised to suit your needs. These door handles may be upgraded with a fingerprint scanner, which may be installed on the front or back side, LED lights and a special ending. We also offer a variety of surface treatments, from polished to powder coated. Standard door handles come with a satinised treatment (matte).
Tratamentul termic al forjărilor din oțel și aluminiu

Tratamentul termic al forjărilor din oțel și aluminiu

At our company, we offer comprehensive heat treatment services for both steel and aluminum products. Our team consists of expert associates who are leaders in their respective fields, ensuring top-notch quality and precision in every project. Additionally, we provide valuable consultation to help you determine the best available options or optimize processes to achieve your desired results efficiently.
Procesul de forjare la cald a oțelului

Procesul de forjare la cald a oțelului

Only high-quality steel is appropriate for high-quality products which are mostly assembled in the cars of our customers. By using hot forging process, we shape different types of carbon steel, all types of alloy steel and most of the time stainless steel.The Hot forging process and thus the transformation of steels has a number of specific points in its process. We have directed the development of forging into forging stainless steels, as these steels are increasingly present in automotive engines as well as in other segments of the use of forged parts. The advantage of stainless steels is that they are corrosion-resistant, and do not require additional surface protection. Through the hot forging process, we are able to transform both ferritic, martensitic and austenitic stainless steels.
Fiting feminin din oțel inoxidabil cu oglindă

Fiting feminin din oțel inoxidabil cu oglindă

- All gangways have installed aluminum men fixing part Ø 25 mm. - This is standard female deck fitting. - With this fitting gangway can have a different inclines. - Material: stainless steel
Benzile de șlefuit pentru metale

Benzile de șlefuit pentru metale

Izdelujemo trakove po meri v 2-4 dneh od naročila, imamo kratke dobavne roke, ponujamo tudi svetovanje za uporabo brusnih trakov.
Prime Line Bold - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă pătrată

Prime Line Bold - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă pătrată

Prime Line Bold door handles have a square shape. A variety of mounts may be fitted with these handles, from simple round or square mounts to mounts fitted with a fingerprint scanner. Door handles are usually made in eight standard sizes, but can be customised to suit your needs. These door handles may be upgraded with a fingerprint scanner, which may be installed on the front or back side, LED lights and a special ending. We also offer a variety of surface treatments, from polished to powder coated. Standard door handles come with a satinised treatment (matte).
Prime Line Arcus - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de arc (rotunde sau pătrate)

Prime Line Arcus - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de arc (rotunde sau pătrate)

Prime Line Arcus door handles are arc-shaped, either round or square and come with a round or square mount, or a mount with a premium rosette. They come in four standard sizes, but can be modified to suit your needs or curved based on your wishes. Various surface treatments are available (polished or powder coated). Standard door handles come with a satinised or matte treatment.
Prime Line CVU - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de C, V și U

Prime Line CVU - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de C, V și U

Door handles of C, V, and U shapes can most often be seen on larger buildings or institutions. These door handles are round and may be fitted with round or square mounts as well as mounts with a premium rosette. Various surface treatments are available (polished or powder coated). Standard door handles come with a satinised or matte treatment.
Linia Economică - Mânere de ușă de bază din oțel inoxidabil

Linia Economică - Mânere de ușă de bază din oțel inoxidabil

The basic door handle model made from stainless steel (inox) is of the highest quality for the most affordable price. The design is simple and exceptional, the selection very popular, and the delivery fast. The handle will accentuate the elegant design of any door. In round 90° mounts, it can also be aesthetically elevated with the addition of a premium rosette.
Prime Line Exodus - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de arc

Prime Line Exodus - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de arc

Prime Line Exodus door handles in the shape of an arc have a diameter of 30 mm and come in four different sizes. Various surface treatments are available (polished or powder coated; standard door handles come with a satinised or matte treatment).
Prime Line Pure - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil de formă rotundă

Prime Line Pure - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil de formă rotundă

Prime Line Pure door handles are round with a diameter of 30 mm. Variously shaped mounts may be fitted with these handles, from simple round mounts to mounts fitted with a fingerprint scanner. Door handles are usually made in eight standard sizes, but can be customised to suit your needs. These door handles may be upgraded with a fingerprint scanner, which can be installed on the front or back side, LED lights and endings with sophisticated designs. We also offer a variety of surface treatments, from polished to powder coated. Standard door handles come with a satinised treatment (matte).
Prime Line Diamond - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de diamant

Prime Line Diamond - Mânere de ușă din oțel inoxidabil în formă de diamant

As the name suggests, Prime Line Diamond door handles stand out because of their diamond shape. They can be combined with square mounts or mounts that allow the installation of a fingerprint scanner. They come in eight standard sizes, but can be customised to your needs. They can also be fitted with a fingerprint scanner and especially stand out with LED lights. Different surface treatments are possible, from polished to powder coated. Standard door handles come with a satinised or matte treatment.
Conexiune de punte feminină din oțel inoxidabil

Conexiune de punte feminină din oțel inoxidabil

- All gangways have installed aluminum men fixing part Ø 25 mm. - This is standard female deck fitting. - On some boats, it is recommendable to use more female fixing parts because of high and low tide - Material: stainless steel
Conexiune de punte feminină din oțel inoxidabil de siguranță

Conexiune de punte feminină din oțel inoxidabil de siguranță

- All gangways have installed aluminum men fixing part Ø 25 mm. - This is standard female deck fitting. - Gangway can be locked directly on the female fitting. - Material: stainless steel
Discuri de șlefuire cu schimbare rapidă

Discuri de șlefuire cu schimbare rapidă

Hitro menjalni diski omogočajo enostavno in hitro menjavo brez dodatnih orodij, kar povečuje učinkovitost in skrajša čas dela. Izdelani so iz visokokakovostnih abrazivnih materialov in so primerni za različne materiale, kot so jeklo, nerjaveče jeklo, aluminij in druge kovine. Na voljo so v različnih granulacijah, kar omogoča prilagoditev obdelavi in želenemu zaključku. Idealni so za industrijska okolja, kjer sta visoka produktivnost in kakovost ključni. Hitro odstranjujejo material in zmanjšujejo potrebo po pogostem menjavanju diskov, kar prispeva k daljši življenjski dobi strojev in nižjim stroškom vzdrževanja.
Măcinătoare în formă de ventilator

Măcinătoare în formă de ventilator

Prodajamo pahljačaste bruse vseh standardnih dimenzij in kombinacij z brusnim platnom in brusno volno, samo platno ali pa samo brusna volna. Pahljačasti brusi so narejeni iz najboljših materialov evropskih proizvajalcev.